"Congrès NDU "Lebanon's Caux Round Table:
Is Moral Capitalism Possible?""

Date : 09/03/2017

Heure : 13:30

Lieu : Friends Hall, NDU

« Inter cultural Dialogue : a pilot project in Lebanon » était le titre de l'intervention de Nagy el-Khoury, en sa qualité de secrétaire général de la Rencontre islamo-chrétienne autour de Marie, lors du séminaire international des hommes d'affaires chrétiens à la Faculty of Humanities de la NDU. Après avoir retracé l'historique de cette belle aventure du 25 mars, et en avoir évoqué le mécanisme, il conclut en ces termes :

« By living in a better world, into this civilization of love, we are able to change all the rules in economics and politics:

- We will set economic rules based on trust between all parts of the society. By strengthening trust, economic development will be strengthened, and companies will have the courage to invest in a serene environment.

- We will have equal opportunities and fairness. Social, religious, ethnic and cultural differences will no longer be feared. Good morality calls for more loyal competition and products that respect internationally applied standards.

- We will avoid wild competition and economic assassination. By doing this, we will respect small businesses and their aspects.

- We will benefit from innovative and pioneering ideas, and the giants will no longer swallow the little ones.

- We will have more respect, better productivity, more transparency, less stress, and on top of all, happiness.

All this brings us to realize that denial and mistrust choke us whereas love and confidence can free us ».